Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching

Explanation of the concepts behind Youth Guarantee and Vocational Pathways

Careersnz: A website with info on a range of careers that also has a seperate Facebook page with heaps of videos on different careers.

Just the job - heaps of short videos about a range of jobs available in NZ.

What can I do with a career in... - awesome resource from Canterbury University

Understanding NCEA: if you don't know already or this link to a downloadable .pdf

How NCEA works: 6 min video from NZQA

NCEA Myths: Some links to 6 myths about NCEA produced by NZQA

Conversation Starters for Academic coaching interview

NCEA Track: an App and a website for students to track their NCEA progress.

Vocational Pathways: Authentic and Relevant Learning: ERO’s report which reinforces existing Ministry key messages about the potential value of the Vocational Pathways in supporting more relevant and integrated curriculum for all learners.

School Leavers Toolkit: practical skills for transition to the real world.

⚡️SPARK - Careers
ACADEMIC COACHING | Conversation Starters

Career Timeline - Blank

Career Timeline - Printable.pdf

Career Timeline - Teacher example

Career Timeline - Teacher Example

Process vs Product goals