BYOD Feedback

Tauranga Boys' College has invested heavily in infrastructure, hardware, personal and professional learning with Digital Technologies. The aim of this data collection process is to gain a snap shot of the Teaching and Learning with digital technologies at Tauranga Boys' College. This data will inform the best way to continue the support for both Administrators, Teachers and Students.

All data will be collected anonymously and only be used look at the school holistically rather than targeting Individual Students, Teachers or Learning Areas. The following data sources will be used:

  1. Teacher Survey
  2. HoF/HoD/Teacher interviews
  3. Lesson walk throughs
  4. Student group discussions
  5. IT Administration data

Teacher Survey

HoF/HoD/Teacher Discussion

TBC - HOLA discussion

25 min session with HoF/HoD/Teachers to get their input. All meetings will be held in the Staff room unless you request otherwise.

Questions will be added to the bottom of this document for them to discuss with their Learning Area for more detailed feedback.

Book a slot using the calendar below.

Lesson walk throughs

This 15 min observation tool will be used to gain a real time snap shot of the learning that is taking place in that lesson during that time.

This is not an assessment tool for teachers. Teachers names will not be recorded and feedback will not be given to individual teachers. The focus is the learning that is taking place from the students perspective.

Observations will be based around random student selection. Any teacher can opt out of these snap shots by emailing COR.

Student group discussions

TBC student group discussion

30 min sessions with groups of students based on these value statements. Guided discussions will take place to see where the norm sits within each statement.

Value statements are taken from the eLPF: