
Text to Speech

In iOS (iPad) - Speak selection

In Mac OS: System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Speech

In Chrome: Read&Write Chrome Extension

Voice typing

In Google Docs: Tools -> Voice Typing (⌘ + Shift + S)

In Mac OS: System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Dictation (Shortcut key - press Fn key twice)


In iOS/MacOS: Ask Siri for spelling

In Chrome: Lookup function (highlight word -> right click -> lookup

Maori Keyboard

  • iPad: available on iOS 11 (General->Keyboard->Keyboards->Add New Keyboard
    • tap and hold key to get macron - ā
  • Mac OS: System preferences -> Keyboard -> Input sources -> plus button to search and add Maori keyboard
    • option then letter ā ū (won't work in Chrome)

Reader view for Web Browsers

Built in to Safari (iPad or Mac) - See image to right ->

Chrome Add ons: