1 Click wonders

1 Click wonders are online resources that you can share with your students and off they go! These resources have been selected to relate to a curriculum area.

Brain break Menu

Total Darkness: use science skills to solve an on line mystery

https://zoomtasticgame.com/ - test your geographical knowledge.

Carmen Sandiego - Crown Jewels Caper

Carmen Sandiego - The Tutankhamun’s Mask Caper

Machinarium - Runs in Flash in your browser. Play the free demo. An interactive problem solving game

Google Earth Stories - 8 different Google earth stories to choose from, each with an accompanying quiz

Dock with the ISS: You are the pilot of SpaceX's Dragon capsule and have to dock with the International Space Station. A great exercise in perseverance!

AR Synth web app puts you in a virtual electronic music studio

City Guesser: Watch a video of a location anywhere in the world and click on a map to guess where it is.

GeoQuiz: 3 levels of country guessing game. Lasts 15 minutes.

Little Alchemy 2: combine elements to make countless discoveries!

Teachflix: A curated selection of videos organised by topic.

End of term student led activities

Here's a list of 10 activities from John Spencer including Podcast, divergent thinking challenge, design thinking, Inquiry

Copy of EOY ABC Countdown Activities: Teacher Guide
Online Board Games.pdf