Set up for Appraisal

Creating a New Appraisal Folder

  1. Going to your Google drive, then click the 'New' button
  2. then 'Folder'
  3. then name it like - 'MER - Appraisal 2018' (remember to use your own teacher code)
  4. then to share it and add email addresses of those you're sharing with in the box that appears at the bottom.

Once you've done that you can drag and drop all your documents into it and they will automatically be shared.

Setting up your Appraisal Document

1. Click the link emailed to you to make a copy of the new appraisal template. When you click the link, Google drive will ask to make a copy of the link in your drive.

2. Rename the document to "XXX - Appraisal 2018”. Click the folder icon next to the name to move this document into the folder you just created.

Before your first appraisal meeting where you will complete the Performance Agreement - the first two pages - complete the following:

- Reflection on 2017 classes

- Developmental Goals for 2018

Over the course of the year, you will add comments, photos, and other links to evidence in the Self Reflection section.

Link files to your Appraisal document

First Step - upload your file to your shared appraisal folder in Google Drive (not sure how to share your folder? Click here for instructions)

You can upload files, images, and videos to Google Drive on the web so you can work on them anywhere and anytime.There are two ways to upload files to Google Drive.

Drag and drop

If you’re using the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox, you can drag a folder from your desktop into Google Drive. You can also drag files directly into folders or subfolders.

Upload files using Google Drive

To upload files using Google Drive:

  1. Go to
  2. On the left, click New.
  3. Select File upload.
  4. Select the file you want to upload. To select multiple files, Command (Mac) and click all the files to upload.
  5. You’ll see a box that shows the progress of your file upload. To open the file, click the filename. To close the box, click the X.

Second Step - add a link in your Appraisal Document

To add a link to your document, follow these instructions (from Google support):

  1. Click anywhere in your document where you'd like the link to appear or highlight text that you would like associated with the link.
  2. Choose from any of the following options (all will work):
    • -Click the "Insert" drop-down menu and select Link.
    • -Click the link icon in the toolbar.
    • -Right click in your document and select the Link option.
    • -Use the Cmd + K keyboard shortcut.
  3. Paste the link from the document in the "Link" field
  4. Click Apply.

Student evaluation with Google Forms

1) Make your own Google Form or use this Template

2) Send it to students by either:

a) Posting on Classroom

b) Emailing link

c) 'Shorten URL' and write on the whiteboard

3) Analyse responses. You can view some flash graphs on the 'Summary of Responses' from the Sheet that the responses go into to (Form->Show Summary of Response).

You can copy the URL of this page and use as a link in your Appraisal document (make sure the spreadsheet of the evaluation is in your shared Appraisal folder).

How to have the Appraisal interview

This is a video for a top HR executive in the UK the demonstrates how to have a productive interview.

Link to Our Code - Our Standards from the Education Council NZ