Wednesday Challenge

TBC is supporting this challenge to not only encourage staff to choose alternative ways of getting to school than just single occupant cars, but to raise awareness for our students. This is a problem they will face if they continue to live in Tauranga, so they can be part of the solution. More info at

Form teacher instructions

For form teachers, here are the instructions to log your student journeys for the Wednesday Challenge (if you have a house assembly on Wednesday, then all good to log the journey's at Thursday's form class):

  1. Teachers go to

  2. Sign in using, Password: tbcwc2022

  3. Find their form class.

  4. Check the date.

  5. Enter the data TO and FROM school.

  6. Click 'Log journeys'.

  7. Get confetti! (Don’t click 'log out' - you can close the window/tab)

Any issues with the interface or the Wednesday challenge in general - please email Mel Young (

Car pool using Liftango

This is an app the helps people co-ordinate car pooling. Set up is a few steps and they are detail at this link. TBC has already registered as an organisation so you just need to download and set up the app.